1. Can I come in? — Yes, of course. 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb to be: a. How old are

1. Can I come in? — Yes, of course.
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb to be:
a. How old are you?
b. What is the price of these goods?
c. I am fine.
3. Use the correct form of the verb:
In the morning, my mother cooks breakfast for us.
4. Choose and insert the correct form of the verb into the sentence:
They are watching TV at the moment.
5. Insert the appropriate preposition:
Are you going?

Can I come in?
Пояснение: In the given dialogue, the question «Can I come in?» is a polite way to ask for permission to enter a room or a space. The response «Yes, of course» is a positive indication that the person is allowed to enter.
Дополнительный материал: Imagine you are standing outside your friend’s house and want to enter. You could ask them, «Can I come in?» They can reply, «Yes, of course.»

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb to be:
Пояснение: In this exercise, you are required to fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb «to be.» The verb «to be» is used to establish states, identities, or qualities of the subject. In the given sentences:
a. «How old are you?» — The correct form of the verb «to be» is «are» because it is used to show the age of the subject «you.»
b. «What is the price of these goods?» — The correct form of the verb «to be» is «is» because it shows the price of the subject «these goods.»
c. «I am fine.» — Here, the correct form of the verb «to be» is «am» because it describes the state of the subject «I» being fine.
Дополнительный материал: Complete the sentence: «What _____ the color of her eyes?»

Use the correct form of the verb:
Пояснение: In this sentence, you need to choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence. It is stated that in the morning, the subject «my mother» performs the action of cooking breakfast for «us.»
Дополнительный материал: Complete the sentence: «Every day, my father _______ delicious meals for us.»

Choose and insert the correct form of the verb into the sentence:
Пояснение: Here, you need to select the appropriate form of the verb «to be» to complete the sentence. Since it mentions «They» and the action of watching TV is happening in the present moment, the correct form is «are.»
Дополнительный материал: Complete the sentence: «She ________ to her favorite song right now.»

Insert the appropriate preposition:
Пояснение: In this exercise, you are required to insert the correct preposition to complete the sentence. Without context, it is difficult to determine which preposition should be used.
Дополнительный материал: Complete the sentence: «We are going ______ the park.»

Совет: Always pay attention to the subject and the tense of the sentence when determining the correct form of the verb. For prepositions, consider the meaning or context of the sentence to choose the appropriate preposition.

Упражнение: Complete the sentence: «He _____ playing basketball in the gym.»

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